Season's Greetings my friends,
Well I have almost completed another twin pushchair in
pink but more importantly this month is December and I am about to do a mini Christmas
swap! My lovely friend
Virginia of Ginnysminis Miniknits and I have created 12 mini gifts for each
other to be opened up over the 12 days of Christmas which will start on Christmas
day. I have no idea what Ginny has
created for me and likewise she has no clue as to what I have made as we've
managed to avoid the subject and keep our ideas close to our hearts. We have yet to set a swap date but it will be
closer to Christmas so I don't get tempted to peek lol. I'll let you know when we've set a date and
once we've swapped mini gifts we'll keep you all updated on the their opening
so watch this space and don't forget to join Virginia's blog too so that you
can see her opening her mini gifts too.
Now for a little history on the twelve days and the song...
From 1558 - 1829 the practice of Catholicism was outlawed
in England and it is said that the song we all know and love (and forget the
last few lines of lol) was created to stealthily teach young Catholics the
tenets of their faith as each gift represented a truth of the faith. Below
is a list of the gifts and their interpretation:
1 partridge in a pear tree = Jesus
Christ, the Son of God
2 turtledoves = the Old and New
3 French hens = the theological
virtues of faith, hope, and charity
4 calling birds = the four gospels
and/or the four evangelists (Matthew,Mark, Luke,
and John)
5 golden rings = the first five books
of the Old Testament
6 geese a-laying = the six days of
7 swans a-swimming = the seven gifts of the
Holy Spirit and/or the seven
8 maids a-milking = the Eight
9 ladies dancing = the nine fruits of the
Holy Spirit
10 lords a-leaping = the Ten
11 pipers piping = the 11 faithful
disciples (minus Judas, who betrayed Christ)
12 drummers drumming = the 12 points of
doctrine in the Apostles'
I love a bit of history!
Now for some mini pictures, here are a couple of Virginia's mini makes...
this is the cutest fairy ever!! |
Ginny made these two tiny cardigans for me they are just divine! |
Hopefully next week I'll have a pic of my latest
twin pushchair for you and then closer to Christmas I'll be posting all about the mini Christmas swap (don't miss it) and after all the festivities have died down next
year I intend to do a few little tutorials for you.
So till next time,
big mini hugs
Gill x