Well I decided I had to get myself a couple of presents, no
reason other than I saw them and wanted them lol, no I ‘needed’ them haha, well
my dolls house dolls wanted then and they forced my hand really... honest! Anyhoo, I wanted a wicker chair and although I
had toyed with the idea of making one myself, I haven’t done that much weaving
and I thought about all the trial and error bit and all the time taken up
making mistakes trying to perfect it etc and then I came across something... it
was the very chair, in the exact shape that I had envisaged in my head... I had
to have it!! Better than that, suddenly the artist, Wendy tells me she is going
to throw in a couple of extra free gifts... WOW! This is getting better and
better. The chair arrived a short time
later and I was so pleased with it, it was far better than I could have ever made,
it was truly beautiful and I LOVE it sooooo much! Here is a picture.
I love this!!! |
Next, I saw something else I really, really wanted, well I
had been looking, better still I had found some but just couldn’t find any that
were actually for sale. I got my better half
on the case and between us, well not so much us as I have to admit defeat here
lol, but my other half came up with the goods and not just one but several
different types, all end of line things and seemingly very difficult to get
hold of. Anyway I bought three and here
is a picture of one of them...
Yes it’s a little 1/12th scale bike with LOADS of
details. Love it!! Anyway I’m a happy
bunny today because it’s always nice to get minis that you haven’t had to slave
over, rather like when someone else cooks dinner and it tastes better I guess.
Right back to it, just completing my second pushchair then I’ll
pop up more pix.
Big mini hugs
Gill xx