Hello all,
Been a long time since my last blog... I've
been ultra busy bothering my better half to make my website for me lol. It is almost done, a temporary shop is in
place atm with me rushing around trying to input more stock so that the proper
shop can be up and running sometime this year, fingers crossed. this website seems to have been almost finished
for a long time now so I'm praying it finally gets completed this year because being
a 'struggling artist' lol I could do with the extra income just so I can afford a day off haha :)

So what have I been up to, well my lovely
mate Susan, from down under gave me a shout and asked me to make her a little
twin pushchair for the twin babies that live in her house so I gladly
The little seats can lay back or sit upright and the hoods can be folded back.
This is a pic of the pushchairs in their new home with their real owners :)
I first met Susan when I created a replica wheelchair
in mini for her. After many
conversations and lots of taking pictures and measurements this was the
Now Susan is fantastic with yarn and one day mid creation
of the twin pushchair a tiny parcelarrived and inside was the most amazingly
small tea cosy with an extremely tiny and very beautiful butterfly sitting on top, well I thought
it was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen!!
Until I saw the other minis sitting aside it... scream!!! An itsy bitsy
pair of pants with ever so delicate buttons on the side AND some dainty, teeny,
titchy little shoes with even tinier buttons!!!! WOW!!
These must have been made by faeries they are so perfect! A big thanks to my mate for these wonderful
little minis that I will treasure forever.
Words can't tell you how pleased I am to own them. :D
See the tiny butterfly on top, the picture just does not do it justice at all, its amazing!
I've added in a 1 pence coin so you can see just how TINY they really are! See, I told you faeries must have helped make them lol ;)
Now, I did get all my pram orders finished
so I promised myself some time with my caravan, I needed to do more work to the
inside so with a bit of luck I'll update you with pictures very soon but in the
meantime, here is a little 1/12th scale Paris inspired curiosity coffee table
with lots of Paris keepsakes inside it.
Hope you like it, it is available for sale in my Etsy shop or you can
but it direct from me and I'll knock a couple of ££'s off just for being my
follower :)
Next projects on the table are some unusual
couches and an old style two bar electric fire because it's getting cold now
and my thatch cottage needs warming up lol.
Till next time...
Big mini hugs
Gill x