
Saturday, 4 January 2014

The Eleventh Day of Christmas

On the eleventh Day Of Christmas...

My friend gave to me, the smallest teddy and most perfect little blue dress you ever did see. 

Oh details, details... this is one of my favourite pieces and I can't even explain why but when I saw the little dress I just loved it!  You know when you see something in a shop and you just think "ooo I like that" and if I were shopping it would be the thing I carried round with me from the second I saw it so nobody else could buy it and steal it away... know what I mean?  It just spoke to me, it is adorable right down the shade of blue! And the teddy, oh the tiny teddy, he  is the cutest teddy you ever did see with his itsy-bitsy arms and legs... sooo small.  I adore them both thank you :)

Can't believe I only have one more gift to go. I have been so spoilt and I have had the pleasure of opening so many wonderful gifts that have been so lovingly created, I will honestly treasure them forever.  Now when Ginny came to drop off my gifts she said I must make sure that I don't open the largest parcel until very last... so with that in mind I am even more excited about tomorrow's parcel... roll on tomorrow :)

See you then



  1. This is really beautiful...but then your work is at least equally beautiful!!! I soooooo love to come to visit! :)

    Mini hugs,

    1. I keep saying I'll have to have a day of meeting up with new mini friends and showing off our favourite tiny things, can you imagine we would just play for hours :)
      Gill x

  2. it's so cute :)

