
Saturday, 18 May 2013

Hello mini friends…

Gosh we’re half way through May already and hardly any sun BOOOOOO!  I can’t believe how fast time flys.  Well what to tell you, as always I’ve been busy but you knew that already lol.  I’ve had to spend ages trying to find the best way to send my minis to customers because the postal prices in the UK have rocketed. I’ve now resorted to some unusual packaging techniques in order to keep my packages small and the prices down.  You see a very long and very thin package is cheap to send but as soon as its goes past a certain thickness Royal Mail adds on an extra £2+!!  Daylight robbery you might say.  Anyway, for larger packages I now use a private delivery firm which has the benefit of collecting from my door so no post office trips, well there had to be one plus point lol.

Now for the bad news…. I have had to put a block on making bespoke orders until at least October when I will review the situation.  I have been bombarded with orders and as there is only one of me lol so I’ve not seem much daylight, then again there has not been much sun so I guess I’m not missing much.  Some GOOD NEWS though, I will still make some prams and pushchairs and pop them up for sale on my ‘SHOP’ page of on my (soon to be finished, with luck lol) webpage.

I should have lots of pictures of bespoke orders to show you soon but in the meantime, I made a little nursery set recently and it is available for sale on my ‘shop’ pages and there are lots of pictures below.  Hope you like them.  Now I’m off back to my work room to work hard on getting my orders finished.

See you soon.
Gill x


  1. Your nurseray room is fantastic. I love all the accessories, especially the stroller. You are a wonderful artist.
    Hugs, Drora

  2. So very pretty. You should always be working because you make such lovely things. DON'T STOP! lol

  3. Thank you ladies :) you make m smile :)

  4. Hello from Spain: The nursery room is fantastic. I love all the accessories. Your are the best. Keep in touch

    1. Hello there Marta, thank you very much! I made a pram the other day that would have been the right size for one of your dolls... As soon as I get time I will make a nice one in the correct scale and pop up lots of pictures for you :)
      Gill x

  5. Replies
    1. thank you very much, I have many more things that I want to make, hopefully I will get time to bring them to life later this year :)

  6. those little prams are so cute and your nursery scene is wonderful I wasn't having such a great day but when I saw your scene I cheered right up.

    Marisa :)

    1. Awww Marisa, so sorry to hear you were having a bad day, very glad to hear I cheered you up though :D minis are a great way to take your mind off things and bring a little happiness.
      Best wishes
      Gill x
