Friday, 29 June 2012

All made from scratch

It occurred to me that some people are unaware of the fact that I make all my prams from scratch.  People ask me if I modify prams or if I somehow get the chasses already made.  I of course do not modify or get ready made chasses or anything like that.  I don’t use kits, I don’t use plans or patterns and I have not been on any courses to learn any appropriate trades.  I simply have a gift from God.  Each pram I make is made from scratch, only the wheels are sourced but even they require either painting or manipulation of some kind.  

To create one of my prams I first do some research, this can take hours and hours; I research shapes, styles, mechanics, materials and more.  Next I locate materials, often this involves more research as I try to find suppliers of the required materials.  I have to work out measurements and scale the pram to fit the doll it is being created for.  I choose colours and fabrics and decide upon the style then a lot of trial and error goes into the construction process which again takes many, many hours.  Slowly the pram starts to come together and it is as much a learning curve as a creation process.  Each time I make a pram I learn more about making them.  The creation process is timely but I do enjoy it and the greatest pleasure comes from seeing the reactions of other people and the joy that my prams bring. 

My messy workspace lol

The start of another pushchair - I'm measuring up for the seat.
The seat will fit.

The victorian pram before the wheels went on.
Some pram handles.

Cutting out.

More testing.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Back to it...

Hello mini lovers.  I’ve had a little holiday, about ten days while my other half was off work so I’ve been power kiting, bike riding, took my grandchild to Thomas land, went the cinema, been to a water sports event where the other half did kayaking, been for meals out and generally watched movies, played games and had a very fun filled week!  Now it’s back to the grind lol and I’ve been working on a Victorian perambulator, the research has been immense and I’ve now come up with something that I think can hold its own out there in the world of miniatures.  This perambulator will have flat metal chasses, a metal and wooden handle, a padded, part quilted inertia and lined, moving hood with hinged arm.  I’m most of the way there, just need to work on a few sizing issues and then paint a few parts and finally fix it together.   Pix up as soon as the hard work has ended. 

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Dressed Cot

Well this is going to be part of a set soon... I’m just sculpting a baby to go with it then I’ll include lots of other mini makes and eventually it will be up for sale.  I like the mobile best, I wanted something a bit different so it’s all handmade.  I think the colours look better in real life though, the lighting didn’t do it justice.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Larger scale prams

Hello my lovely mini friends and hello to my new followers.  

Well it seems like a while since I’ve been here but I’ve been extra busy, I actually managed to get out of the house and so something else other than minis, but I’m back home now so its minis as usual.  I have just finished two prams for some little 3.5inch dolls, the pictures are below, now I’m about to finish off a couple of prams I’ve had hanging around in the background for a while, I’ll show you pictures as soon as I finish them.

I’ve also got a full bedroom set that I am making in blue and white.  It’s very cute but there is a lot of work to be done on it yet.  Well I better press on.  Oh before I forget my website is almost finished so watch out for that, I’ll post details as soon as it’s up and running properly.  Right now for the pictures...