
Tuesday, 31 December 2013

The Seventh Day of Christmas

On the seventh Day Of Christmas...

My friend gave to me, little miss muffet! 

I'm not sure if this is little miss muffet... "is she Virginia?" ...she certainly looks the part with her pretty mop cap!  I can just see her with a bowl and spoon sitting on a tuffet eating her curds and whey.  She is so pretty, I love the stripes on her legs and dress AND her dress is completely separate to her which is astounding because it is incredibly tiny and I didn't even think things could be made so small.  I am just amazed at the time and effort Virginia must have put into making these gifts for me and I feel truly privileged to own them.  This is turning out to be the best Christmas ever!

Here she is next to a very small tangerine.

Back view.

Close up... isn't she pretty.

Don't forget to pop to Virginia's blog to see what gifts she has unwrapped over the last seven days.
See you tomorrow!


Monday, 30 December 2013

The Sixth Day of Christmas

On the sixth Day Of Christmas...

My friend gave to me, three pairs of tiny bootees... in blue!

Oh my goodness Virginia thinks of everything... on the second day I got three pairs of bootees for a little girl and now I've some for a boy too!!  Utterly fantastic... when I finish my big house I plan on having a room for the twin babies, a boy and a girl and these will not only look fantastic on a shelf but they can actually be worn too, how fantastic is that!

Look, look, look how tiny they are!!!

The pompoms are my absolute fave, I had some of these for my boys when they were babies

EEK! Just look at the detail wow!! I love them!!! 

I'll post up pictures in the future when I've found homes for everything :) Sooo many new minis I'm like a kid at Christmas and I LOVE THEM ALL :D 

Can't wait for tomorrow, see you then! 

Sunday, 29 December 2013

The Fifth Day of Christmas

On the fifth Day Of Christmas...

My friend gave to me, the most perfect and tiny and ever so real looking little boy's hat, scarf and mittens set you ever did see.

Again, I am in complete awe... did you hear the screams of delight as I opened the tiny parcel and gently pulled out a hat then one mitten and then another and finally a scarf... wow... I'm still sat with wide eyes just surveying every tiny detail.   I cannot wait to dress my little dolls up, I may have to make a new doll and a whole outfit to compliment this perfect hat, scarf and mitts set.  I think Virginia may have to move in with me and just spend her life mini knitting all day long while I sit there drooling over her creations lol. 

This picture was taken with the hat, mits and scarf  sitting on the corner of a serviette so you can see they are very tiny!

Come back again tomorrow to see what else lies in store :)

Saturday, 28 December 2013

The Fourth Day of Christmas

On the fourth Day Of Christmas...

My friend gave to me, a little yellow duck, a very cute penguin and a brilliant humpty dumpty!

Wow, wow, wow... I am amazed!! Oh my goodness I could never of imagined getting these beautiful little gems.  Goodness knows what is to come next I am just so, so lucky.  Thank you to my lovely friend Virginia, you truly are very talented indeed!!!

Popped these next to a desert spoon so you can see how tiny they are.

Love the little feet on the penguin and the duck.

I have to say the humpty dumpty is my absolute fave... I had a humpty when I was small, my grandma made him for me and I loved him so much.  I just adore this little guy. Huge thanks to Virginia xxx

Come back tomorrow to see what other delights are in store for me... I can hardly wait!

See you tomorrow!

Friday, 27 December 2013

The Third Day of Christmas

On the Third Day Of Christmas...

My friend gave to me, two beautiful miniature bags that are just what I've been looking for.

When I was small I remember everyone used to have crocheted bags, I loved them and we had one that we used to pack with things when going to the park, the cream bag just reminds me of it... happy memories.  The purple one is going to belong to the Vivian the DH doll who will be moving into my caravan very soon, she's going to love it!!

I'm still in awe of how tiny and precise the stitches are.  Love my beautiful bags, thank you again Virginia.
To see what gift Virginia has opened today pay her a visit here 

Don't forget to leave a comment.
See you tomorrow. 

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Second day of Christmas

On the Second Day Of Christmas...

My friend gave to me, not one, not two, but three pairs of teeny, tiny bootees!! Yay!!

Thank you Virginia... you know I LOVE these so, so much...  I always mention how cute they are and now I have my very own and more than that I have THREE pairs!!! WOO! 

I don't know how she does it but the stitches are so small and I love the white ones with the pink trim.  I also love the bows, how does she tie them so small?  Must be an inside fairy job!!! ;)

Here they are with yesterdays gift.

So very tiny!

I put a pen in the pic so you can see just how small they are.

I just love them!!
To see what gifts Virginia has opened up why not visit her and follow her blog.  Don't forget to leave a msg to let her know you paid a visit.

See you all again tomorrow. 

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

First Day Of Christmas

On the First Day Of Christmas...

My friend gave to me, a really, really cute little knitted doll, that I will love forever!

Just a quick blog today I think because after all that present buying, wrapping, dinner cooking and everything I'm exhausted but I had to let you see my first little pressie.  He is just darling with his fantastic little hat and his cute little outfit, SO MUCH DETAIL... I adore him!! He must have taken ages... I don't know how she does it but I'm glad she does.  Never expected to find this little guy, sooo lovely and sooo tiny too!  Thank you Virginia xxx

Here he is...

Here is a close up.
This should give you some idea of the size of this little man.
Ah I'm so lucky I am :)  See you all tomorrow for number 2 

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Pink pushchair and the CHRISTMAS SWAP

Season's greetings...
Hope you are all ready for Christmas and suitably excited about what lovely miniatures Santa will stuff into your stocking this year.  The great thing about minis is that because they are so small you can fit a heck of a lot into one stocking :)
As you may already know my lovely friend Virginia and I are doing a Christmas swap so I'll give you more details on this in a moment but first... here is a picture of a little pink twin pushchair I created recently.

The Christmas Swap

First I'll tell you a little story.  I love miniature knitting, a LOT, but it is something I can't do, I mean maybe I could manage a scarf over the course of a year if well supervised, no in fact I'd probably not even manage that lol.  Well being quite unable to knit myself I decided to hunt out someone who does have this gift and that's when I found Virginia.  To cut a long story short I bought some mini knitted cardigans from Virginia and she bought a pram from me... through this we worked out that we live just round the corner from each other which is lovely as I don't know many mini enthusiasts that live near me.  Well we both have blogs and so Virginia suggested that we do a Christmas swap, fantastic I thought, let's do it!! And here we are...

So a couple of days ago Virginia popped round to my house to do the swap... we each have made 12 mini gifts and wrapped then up, the idea being that we open one a day for the 12 days of Christmas.  Virginia went all out and numbered hers while I had a bit of a nightmare deciding which ones to  number what so decided I would leave the decision of which to open first down to Virginia.  I am SO, SO EXCITED!!!! It's such a lovely idea and I can hardly wait to see what I've got... I told Virginia she would probably hear the screams of delight from her house.

Here are the 12 gifts from Virginia...

Here are the 12 gifts I made...

Every day I'll be opening a gift and I'll be showing you what I got and Virginia will be doing the same so here are some links so you can follow us and see what surprises lay in store. 


Well it is Christmas eve so I'll take a moment to wish each and every one of you a very 
Merry Christmas and have a wonderful New Year.
See you tomorrow.

Gill x

Monday, 2 December 2013

The Mini Christmas Swap is imminent!

Season's Greetings my friends,

Well I have almost completed another twin pushchair in pink but more importantly this month is December and I am about to do a mini Christmas swap!  My lovely friend Virginia of Ginnysminis Miniknits and I have created 12 mini gifts for each other to be opened up over the 12 days of Christmas which will start on Christmas day.  I have no idea what Ginny has created for me and likewise she has no clue as to what I have made as we've managed to avoid the subject and keep our ideas close to our hearts.  We have yet to set a swap date but it will be closer to Christmas so I don't get tempted to peek lol.  I'll let you know when we've set a date and once we've swapped mini gifts we'll keep you all updated on the their opening so watch this space and don't forget to join Virginia's blog too so that you can see her opening her mini gifts too. 
Now for a little history on the twelve days and the song...

From 1558 - 1829 the practice of Catholicism was outlawed in England and it is said that the song we all know and love (and forget the last few lines of lol) was created to stealthily teach young Catholics the tenets of their faith as each gift represented a truth of the faith.   Below is a list of the gifts and their interpretation:

1 partridge in a pear tree = Jesus Christ, the Son of God
2 turtledoves = the Old and New Testaments
3 French hens = the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity
4 calling birds = the four gospels and/or the four evangelists (Matthew,MarkLuke, and John)
5 golden rings = the first five books of the Old Testament
6 geese a-laying = the six days of creation
7 swans a-swimming = the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and/or the seven sacraments
8 maids a-milking = the Eight Beatitudes
9 ladies dancing = the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit
10 lords a-leaping = the Ten Commandments
11 pipers piping = the 11 faithful disciples (minus Judas, who betrayed Christ)
12 drummers drumming = the 12 points of doctrine in the Apostles' Creed

I love a bit of history!

Now for some mini pictures, here are a couple of Virginia's mini makes...

this is the cutest fairy ever!! 

Ginny made these two tiny cardigans for me they are just divine!

Hopefully next week I'll have a pic of my latest twin pushchair for you and then closer to Christmas I'll be posting all about the mini Christmas swap (don't miss it) and after all the festivities have died down next year I intend to do a few little tutorials for you.

So till next time, big mini hugs

Gill x

Monday, 28 October 2013

Twin Pushchair and other minis...

Hello all,
Been a long time since my last blog... I've been ultra busy bothering my better half to make my website for me lol.  It is almost done, a temporary shop is in place atm with me rushing around trying to input more stock so that the proper shop can be up and running sometime this year, fingers crossed.  this website seems to have been almost finished for a long time now so I'm praying it finally gets completed this year because being a 'struggling artist' lol I could do with the extra income just so I can afford a day off haha :)

So what have I been up to, well my lovely mate Susan, from down under gave me a shout and asked me to make her a little twin pushchair for the twin babies that live in her house so I gladly obliged. 

The little seats can lay back or sit upright and the hoods can be folded back.  

This is a pic of the pushchairs in their new home with their real owners :)

I first met Susan when I created a replica wheelchair in mini for her.  After many conversations and lots of taking pictures and measurements this was the result...
I really enjoyed this project! :D

Now Susan is fantastic with yarn and one day mid creation of the twin pushchair a tiny parcelarrived and inside was the most amazingly small tea cosy with an extremely tiny and very beautiful butterfly sitting on top, well I thought it was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen!!  Until I saw the other minis sitting aside it... scream!!! An itsy bitsy pair of pants with ever so delicate buttons on the side AND some dainty, teeny, titchy little shoes with even tinier buttons!!!!  WOW!!  These must have been made by faeries they are so perfect!  A big thanks to my mate for these wonderful little minis that I will treasure forever.  Words can't tell you how pleased I am to own them.  :D

See the tiny butterfly on top, the picture just does not do it justice at all, its amazing!

I've added in a 1 pence coin so you can see just how TINY they really are!  See, I told you faeries must have helped make them lol ;)

Now, I did get all my pram orders finished so I promised myself some time with my caravan, I needed to do more work to the inside so with a bit of luck I'll update you with pictures very soon but in the meantime, here is a little 1/12th scale Paris inspired curiosity coffee table with lots of Paris keepsakes inside it.  Hope you like it, it is available for sale in my Etsy shop or you can but it direct from me and I'll knock a couple of ££'s off just for being my follower :)

Next projects on the table are some unusual couches and an old style two bar electric fire because it's getting cold now and my thatch cottage needs warming up lol. 

Till next time...
Big mini hugs

Gill x